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Teleport Pro 1.29 build 2050 Teleport Pro is a fully automated, multithreaded, file-retrieving Web spider.


ОС: 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Интерфейс: английский

Статус: 50-закачек или 500-файлов

Многофункциональный оффлайновый браузер, который позволяет скачивать веб-сайты целиком или частично и просматривать их в автономном режиме.

The program gives you the ability to completely download a Web site, browse it offline, create a mirror of the site, search the site for files of a certain type, and then download the list of files and their URLs.
This new release has automatic proxy configuration, an Add to Favorites feature, an improved Copy URL feature, and the added ability to copy multiple URLs. It has also improved the relinking system, which is now faster at managing very tightly linked sites (100 links per page). The program has also improved the disk free space calculation, and now works around the Windows 95 OSR2 bug.

дата текущая версия размер (кб) скачать
19.04.2004 1.29 build 1530 883 загрузить скачать download

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